Multidisciplinar Artist &

Personal Innovation Facilitator

I help you to recognize and enjoy your talents.



They were born in 1980 into a working family that migrated from the rural Extremadura to the capital city Madrid, Spain. When they were 8 years old, one of their brothers lost his life, which led them to experience a double loss, his and that of the rest of their nuclear family, immersed in the darkness of grief. They found in writing an escape route from the existential loneliness they felt for a long time.

They evolved from their editorial design studies and self taught user experience design, finding in research and workshop facilitation two of their special interests; observing human behaviours and making sense of divergent ideas. In their will of understanding people they worked and lived in different countries what made them experiment the otherness of migration.

In 2020 they changed their living circumstances to connected with creativity from a healing and joyful place.

They cross disciplines exploring trauma and resilience, emotions, wounds, masks, identity, queerness, undiagnosed neurodivergence in adulthood, the relationship with oneself and others, the power of authenticity, joy and acceptance.

Currently, while they develop their creative practice in their artistic residency in Spain host Focused Joy, brand new program that helps other people to follow their authentic path.